
No More Hair Breakage

Hair breakage is a prevalent problem and a number of women suffer from this condition. A major cause of this problem is the improper practice of chemical Air Swimmers treatments using colors, perms and relaxers. Hair styling with flat irons, blow dryers and curling irons can cause hair breakage as well. Health, stress, poor diet, immune system, environmental surroundings can also lead to it. Once you know what causes this problem, it is easy to prevent it.牋A few practical ways to prevent hair breakage:?br /> Hair should be free most of the time. So, do not tie your in a ponytail or wear a hat all the time. Consume a diet including vegetables and fruits that are rich in vitamins and minerals. Particularly increase the intake of vitamin E. Wash your hair two or three times a week. Too much washing dries out the hair. To stimulate the blood flow massage scalp. Use a wide toothed comb and a brush with soft bristles. Always use styling products that are designed to prevent hair breakage. Use a good shampoo with vitamins S107 helicopter and minerals. Limit the use of styling tools such as flat irons, blow dryers and curling irons as well as harsh chemicals?br />Additional Tips?br /> You need to trim the hair every four weeks, if it is breaking from the bottom. If your hair is breaking from the top, then it is either you are vitamin deficient or you are pulling it up in tight rubber band. For vitamin deficiency, start taking vitamin supplements on a daily basis. If your hair is breaking, it could be for the reason that air swimmers it is dry. In this situation, you can try olive oil for a week. You need to put a protective product first at the time of blow drying, straightening, curling, perming, or coloring to protect hair from the heat.

